Newport University, USA
Master of Business Administration, MBA Marketing
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Doctor of Philosophy- PhD, International Relations and Affairs
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Master of Philosophy- M.Phil, International Relations and Affairs
Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Master of Arts- MA, Political Science
Ramjas College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Bachelor of Arts- BA, Political Science
Samata Chandrasekhar Colege, Puri, Odisha
Intermediate Science
Senior Career Counsellor
Dr. Acharya Career Counselling Centre, New Delhi
Senior Career Counselor at "Dr. Acharya Career Counselling Centre" for the students from high school to postgraduate level and mid-level working executives in online and offline mode i.e individual career counseling on one to one basis. Conducts career counseling workshops and webinars for school and college students across the globe. Attached to various organizations for their career counseling workshops towards CSR feature. Associated with various print media, TV, and AIR for expert opinion and articles on Career Counselling. All activities are bases on an appointment basis.
Promoter Director
Pratham Edusys Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
He has been a founding Director of Pratham Edusys Pvt. Ltd established in 2002 for Online Education Services. He is the Senior Career Counselor with www.admissionnews.com, India's leading portal on college and entrance exams after +2 which is Daily updated with all current admission information since 2002.
Founder Director(Full-Time)
Vision School of Management, New Delhi
Full coordination of academic and non-academic activities of the management college providing PGDM to the eligible students approved by AICTE, Govt. of India. Career Counseling and guidance to the continuing students of the Management College as well outside students across India.
Chief Executive
Eros Educational Infotech Limited, New Delhi
Coordinating all educational activities of students taking guidance and teaching for entrance examinations for medical, engineering, and management courses in the premier institution of India. Guidance and counseling to students for better careers.
Biswabhar Vidyapeet, Puri, Odisha
Higher Secondary Education

Education Consultant
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Research and Coordination of educational material for the graduate and postgraduate students in the subject of Social Science for the School of Social Sciences Division (IGNOU)
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Part-Time Faculty at the Chinese Study Division of School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi to the Post Graduate Students
Why Career Counselling?
"Identifying a rewarding and satisfying career requires an individual to optimize on his or her interests and aptitude. When these synergize with the personality factors and motivators of an individual, they lead to the right career planning. However, in the case of a mismatch, they may lead to misdirected energy as well as a life-long dissatisfaction."
The objective of Dr. Acharya's personal Career Counseling session, Workshop, or Webinar is to bring career awareness among the students and parents at the school and college education. In India particularly career counseling is a late starter. However, with the growth of business and competitiveness in the last two decades, this has become a major concern in our education system. His career counseling session gives an understanding to the students the importance of one's academic potential, attribute, personality, talents, interests, expectations, resources, strengths, and weaknesses while choosing a course for the right career at the right time for a bright future. This highly personalized intensive session intends to show the student a planned route to a career right in the school and college years keeping in mind all the above attributes so that the student remains motivated and effective during his academic pursuit. The most difficult years in career planning start from 10th grade when the student has to choose the appropriate stream of subjects followed by the best suitable Graduation and Post Graduation course and value addition skill development courses for the right employment. It's his true endeavor to help students to come as close as possible to a ‘match’ between the students' profile and courses in School and College education towards a perfect career.
For most students stream choice after 10th and a course after 12th is a matter of chance, social pressure, and largely determined by academic performance and not by scientific choice. Students are mainly illusioned with 3 to 4 careers like Medicine, Engineering, CA/CS, Management, etc. However, there are about 200+ career options after 10+2 which are covered in five groups viz. People-based, Creative, Business, Physical/Outdoor & Science-based careers. As the career opportunities are in abundance the career choice becomes difficult. Hence, the Career Expert intervention is very much essential. The session conducted by Dr. Acharya includes coverage of subject choices, premier institutes, admission processes, placement, work environment, etc. Also, the discussion covers the Indian Education System: Indian University vs Foreign Degree; Indian Recognizing Bodies for Courses; Regular Courses vs Distance Education; Vocational Courses; Aptitude, Attitude and Personality; Types of Universities in India; Usage of the Internet for all information; How to prepare for Exam; Goal Setting; See beyond the horizon; Failure is never final; Winning edge; Image Building and positive thoughts; Time and stress management; Dealing with expectations of elders; Ethics and Values in life; Mind Mapping; How to remain motivated; Art of Living: a meaningful Life; Dealing with Academics and entrance coaching; Motivation; Job Prospects after course, etc. However, the major focus of his career counseling sessions remains on Career Planning, Psychometric analysis, and the best career options available to the student according to the aptitude, interest, academic input, hobbies, personality, grooming, family background, financial support, etc.